The red palm weevil has arrived in the south of France. Take action before cutting down your palms !

Very efficient and conforming to the norms of the Ministry of Agriculture our annual preventative treatment protects your healthy palms from the red palm weevil.

Why should we eradicate the red palm weevil ?

Our palm trees are seriously threatened by the red palm weevil (rhynchophorus ferrugineus), a species native to Indonesia considered harmful and introduced into French territory by accident. The larvae of this beetle cause considerable damage by nesting in the stipe and palms: despite their sturdiness, the death of palm trees is inevitable if they are not treated from the beginning of the infestation. The damage caused by the red weevil is so severe that it was subject to a compulsory control order as early as 2010. Since then, tens of thousands of infested palm trees have had to be felled and destroyed. The number of French municipalities in contaminated areas doubled between late 2013 and early 2016, from 150 to over 300.


Ce que dit la Loi

Once the presence of the red weevil is confirmed, palm owners have 15 working days to clean up the infested plants or have them completely destroyed (if the terminal bud of the palm is affected). In addition, preventive treatment of palm trees located in the contaminated area is mandatory. These treatments must be carried out by a person or company that has received specific approval from the Ministry of Agriculture. In the event of failure to comply with these legal obligations, offenders are liable to penalties of up to 30,000 euros in fines and 6 months in prison.

Arrêté du 21 juillet 2010 relatif à la lutte contre Rhynchophorus ferrugineus

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